One of the most sought-after gemstones natural yellow sapphire is priced greatly depending on various factors. In this blog post, we will explore the factors determining the price of a natural yellow sapphire. We will answer the question that many gemstone enthusiasts have been asking: "How much does a natural yellow sapphire cost?" We will break down the various elements that influence the price of this beautiful gemstone and provide valuable insights for those looking to invest in one.


Getting to know how much you'll spend on a natural yellow sapphire, also called Pukhraj, isn't as straightforward as checking a price tag. But don't worry; we're here to make it as simple as possible. Think of it like buying a pumpkin. Not all pumpkins are priced the same, right? Some are big; some are small, some look perfect, and others, not so much. Yellow sapphires are similar.

4Cs of Pukhraj

Their prices change based on a few key things: how big they are (that's the carat weight), their color, clarity (which means how clear they are), their cut, and even where they come from. When we talk about the Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Price Guide, it's like having a map of this world of gems. This guide won't give you a single price because there isn't one. Instead, it helps you understand why one yellow sapphire might cost more than another. It's all about learning what makes each stone special. So, as we go through the basics, remember, it's like discovering the story behind each gem. And just like every story, the details matter. Let's keep things simple and start unraveling these details together.


When it comes to figuring out how much a natural yellow sapphire costs, the color of the gemstone plays a huge role. Just like when you pick out a paint color for your room, the shade and intensity of the color matter. For yellow sapphires, it's all about finding that perfect hue of yellow - not too pale and not too dark. The more vibrant the yellow, the higher the price tag tends to be. Each hue has its distinct charm and price point.

You can check the below image for a better understanding of the prices of yellow sapphire based on their color:-


Light yellow sapphires are the most affordable, often starting at around ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 per carat. These stones are generally less sought after due to their lighter hue, which some might perceive as less striking. 

Medium-light yellow sapphires command higher prices, typically ranging from ₹10,000 to ₹20,000 per carat or ₹30,000 per carat based on clarity. These stones have a more noticeable color, making them more attractive to buyers who seek a balance between affordability and visual appeal.

Vivid yellow sapphires are highly prized for their intense, vibrant color. Prices for these stones can range from ₹20,000 to ₹50,000 per carat or ₹60,000 per carat based on clarity. The vivid yellow hue is often seen as more auspicious and aesthetically pleasing.

Golden yellow sapphires are the pinnacle in terms of both color and price. These gems exude a rich, warm tone, often symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Prices for golden yellow sapphires can soar, starting at ₹50,000 and going up to ₹80,000 per carat or more, depending on the quality and clarity of the stone.

In summary, the price of yellow sapphires varies considerably based on their color, with deeper, more vivid hues commanding higher prices.


Alright, let's chat about how the size of a natural yellow sapphire, which we measure in carats, plays a big part in how much it costs.

Typically, yellow sapphire prices in India can range from ₹5,000 to ₹50,000 per carat. For instance, a basic quality yellow sapphire weighing about 1 carat may cost around ₹5,000 to ₹8,000. However, as the carat weight increases, the price per carat also escalates. A 3-carat stone might range between ₹15,000 and ₹1,50,000. High-quality sapphires with superior color and clarity can command prices upwards of ₹50,000 per carat, especially if they are from renowned origins like Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The price jump for larger stones is not linear; it's exponential. This means a 5-carat yellow sapphire will be significantly more expensive per carat than a 1-carat stone due to its rarity. Additionally, untreated, natural sapphires fetch higher prices compared to those that have been heat-treated to enhance color and clarity.

Ultimately, the price of a yellow sapphire is determined by a combination of its weight, visual appeal, and intrinsic characteristics. Buyers should ensure they are purchasing from reputable dealers and ideally, seek certification from recognized gemological laboratories.


Let's chat about clarity and cut, two big deals when it comes to the cost of a natural yellow sapphire. Imagine you’re looking through a window. If that window is super clean, you can see everything on the other side crystal clear, right? That's how clarity works for yellow sapphires. The fewer the blemishes or "spots," the clearer the stone, and yup, the more it costs. It's like having a spotless window to the beauty of the gem.

For example, a yellow sapphire with eye-clean clarity can cost anywhere from ₹20,000 to ₹50,000 per carat, depending on other factors like origin and size. In contrast, stones with visible inclusions may be priced between ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 per carat.

Now, let’s talk about the cut. The cut of the yellow sapphire also significantly impacts its price. A well-cut gemstone maximizes brilliance and enhances the stone's natural color. Common cuts include oval, cushion, and round shapes. Precision in cutting ensures that light is optimally refracted, making the gemstone more appealing and thereby more expensive. Poorly cut stones, which may appear dull or lopsided, are generally less valuable. A high-quality, well-cut yellow sapphire can fetch prices upwards of ₹20,000 to ₹1,00,000 per carat.

In summary, the prices of yellow sapphires are heavily influenced by their clarity and cut, with higher-quality stones commanding a premium in the market.


Yellow Sapphire from Ceylon

Where a natural yellow sapphire comes from can change how much it costs.

Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon, is renowned for producing some of the finest yellow sapphires. Ceylon yellow sapphires are prized for their high clarity and vibrant, golden-yellow color, often commanding premium prices in the market. The historical significance and established reputation of Sri Lankan gems contribute further to their elevated cost.

In contrast, yellow sapphires from Madagascar offer a different pricing dynamic. While Madagascar produces high-quality stones with excellent color saturation, they tend to be slightly more affordable than their Sri Lankan counterparts. This price difference is partly due to the relative novelty of Madagascar as a sapphire source compared to the centuries-old mining traditions in Sri Lanka.

Yellow sapphires from Thailand and Australia are generally less expensive, often exhibiting more inclusions and less desirable color tones. Thai sapphires might have a greenish hue, while Australian sapphires can be more subdued in color. These characteristics generally place them at a lower price point in the market.

In essence, the geographic origin of yellow sapphires plays a pivotal role in determining their market value, with Sri Lankan stones typically at the top of the price spectrum, followed by Madagascar, and then Thailand, and Australia.


Understanding the price range of natural Pukhraj stone, also known as yellow sapphire, is crucial for anyone interested in purchasing this vibrant gemstone. The price per carat can vary significantly depending on several factors, including its origin. Here, we will explore the price list of natural yellow sapphire, focusing on why the Ceylon yellow sapphire generally commands a higher price than its Bangkok counterpart.

Firstly, it's important to note that the price of yellow sapphire can start from as low as $60 (approximately ₹5,000) per carat for stones with noticeable inclusions and less vibrant color. As the quality improves, the price can escalate to over $1,000 (approximately ₹80,000) per carat for top-quality gems with rich color and excellent clarity, sourced from renowned locations.

Ceylon, now Sri Lanka, is famed for producing some of the world’s best yellow sapphires. These sapphires are celebrated for their bright, lemony hues and superior clarity. Due to these desirable qualities, Ceylon yellow sapphires often fetch a higher price in the market. For a good quality Ceylon yellow sapphire, prices can range from $100 to $400 (about ₹8,000 to ₹32,000) per carat or even higher for premium stones, depending on the gem's size, color, clarity, and cut.

On the other hand, yellow sapphires from Bangkok are typically more affordable. While still beautiful, they may lack the vibrant hue and clarity found in Ceylon sapphires. Prices for Bangkok yellow sapphires can start as low as $50 (around ₹4,000) per carat for decent quality gems. However, higher quality Bangkok sapphires can also reach up to $300 (approximately ₹24,000) per carat.

The significant price difference between Ceylon and Bangkok yellow sapphires primarily stems from the gem’s aesthetic appeal and demand. Ceylon sapphires, with their superior quality, are more sought after by connoisseurs and collectors, driving up their price. Meanwhile, Bangkok yellow sapphires offer an affordable option for those seeking the beauty of a yellow sapphire without the higher price tag of a Ceylon gem.


When you're on the hunt for a natural yellow sapphire, thinking about how to stretch your dollars is key. Here's the deal - not all shiny stones are the same, and paying more doesn't always mean you're getting the best bang for your buck. First, figure out what matters most to you. Is it the size, the color, or how clear it looks? Once you know, talk to someone who knows about gems. A good jeweler can help you find a balance between what dazzles you and what fits your budget. Another smart move is to look for a gem that might not be perfect but still catches your eye. Sometimes, a sapphire with a tiny flaw hidden away can be much cheaper and just as beautiful as a flawless one. Also, don't rush.

Take your time to shop around and compare prices and options. The internet is a great place to start, but seeing a stone with your own eyes always helps. Remember, the best value doesn't mean the lowest price. It means getting something you love and feel good about, without breaking the bank. And sometimes, the story behind a less-than-perfect stone makes it even more special than the priciest ones on the shelf.

Alright, we’ve learned that figuring out how much a natural yellow sapphire costs is a bit like putting together a puzzle. So take your time, ask questions, and most importantly, enjoy the journey. After all, every gem has its own story, and the one you choose will be a beautiful part of yours.

If you're on the lookout for a special piece of natural yellow sapphire, we've got something wonderful for you. Over at NaturalPukhraj.com, we pride ourselves on offering only the best, original certified pukhraj that come straight from the heart of Ceylon. These gems are not just stones; they're treasures with stories, ready to be part of your life. We understand that finding the right gem can be a journey, and we're here to make it as enjoyable and easy as possible for you. With a variety of options to fit every taste and budget, our collection is handpicked to ensure you get the quality and beauty you deserve. So, why not take a peek? Your perfect yellow sapphire might just be a click away.

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